Optimization of intensive vegetable crops
The project “ECOHORTITEC: Development of eco-innovative technologies for the improvement and optimization of the production and post harvesting systems in intensive vegetables crops” has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020, with the objective of fostering research, technological development and innovation.
ECOHORTITEC is a technological development project focussed on the intensive vegetable production industry and aiming at the development of a new range of technological solutions which must be integrated with and applicable to those production systems (both greenhouse and outdoor production). With these solutions, farmers and producers will be able to obtain more profitable, sustainable and cleaner productions, by means of the environmental improvement of three key activities in the intensive vegetable system: the vegetable protection strategy, the watering and fertilization strategy to significantly reduce the watering rate, and the product preservation during the post-harvest stage.
Data of the project
Duration: 36 months
Start date: April 2015
Record: EXP – 00082822 / ITC-20151045
Call: Resolution of the 15th of April 2015, of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, approving the 2015 call for the granting of subsidies earmarked to promote regional cooperation for research and development (ERDF Innterconecta Programme).